Interest Tests

Every student in Transition Year completes at least two interest tests. These tests are very detailed and are kept on file to use during their senior cycle.Recently, the department has bought a new comprehensive test called pathfinder. It is our ambition to use this test with both senior and junior cyle students. We are always available for students to complete tests during one to one meetings also. It would be ideal if any student who was still unsure could use these really useful tools below:

Interest Test
Path Finder
Careers Portal

These tests should provide an insight into career areas which would suit.Interest tests are just one part of the jigsaw. If students are genuinely unsure, the test will confirm this. In our opinion, the more career research a student carries out, the better chance they will have of finding a course of interest. Research can be carried out online using the links on this website. Attending career lectures, open days, talking to the guidance team, family or friends or even just carrying out research in the guidance library are all ways of researching careers.